A quick post to welcome the quality of three blogs : Dur Ecu, Anno Domini 1672 and Wars of Louis XIV. Highly recommended !
Un rapide post pour saluer la qualité des blogs Dur Ecu (américain), Anno Domini 1672 (holladais) et Wars of Louis XIV (américain). Je vous les recommande chaudement !
Et en prime... un petite image !
(mousquetaires et piquiers / pike & shot circa 1590-1620, drawing from FR. Hottenroth's "Le costume chez les peuples anciens et modernes")
The history of the late Rebellion:
Il y a 17 heures
Tout à fait d'accord. Ce sont d'excellents blog.
RépondreSupprimerSinon mon projet de wiki tient toujours ;-)
Comme tu le vois, je suis en train d'amasser un maximum de matériel ! Il va falloir qu'on s'appelle au téléphone (la dernière fois que je t'ai fais un mail, il m'est revenu avec erreur de destinataire :(
RépondreSupprimerCe sera avec plaisir. Tu as vraiment beaucoup d'éléments très intéressants.
RépondreSupprimerMon mail : nicofig__at__hotmail.fr
Surtout n'hésite pas, j'attend de tes nouvelles ;-)
Stephane, je vous dis un grand merci! I very much enjoy your blog too, especially the contemporary accounts (and more especially, the recent post on Lens).
Dur Ecu
RépondreSupprimerIf I may add another blog (and accompanying web site) to your list, please visit this new blog:
It has been started by veteran (and highly-respected) gamer and painter Phil Olley to document a new project of his specifically on the Thirty Years War. Phil is probably better known to many gamers worldwide as the host of the web site "Phil's War Cabinet", on which he documents his immense collection with beautiful scenery and professional photography. In addition to his own armies of the Ancient period, the 18th Century, the Eastern Renaissance, Classic "Grant & Young" style wargaming, the Italian Wars and Napoleonics, Phil is also the keeper of Tony Bath's vintage collection of flat figures from which Ancient gaming in it's modern form evolved. They are not on the site at the moment as Phil is doing some maintenance, but he has promised to return them for viewing soon. Be sure and read his biography when you visit the site, you will see many names familiar to wargamers, most of whom are his contemporaries.
Thank you to you Dur Ecu & William.
RépondreSupprimerI never know the breitenfeld blog, so thanks (but i already kew the second)